Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

If Not Trusting This Market Makes Me An Idiot: Then Call Me Crazy!

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I was left slack-jawed as I listened to an interview on financial media between the host and guest. I have always enjoyed as well as respected the host even though many times I may totally disagree. However, as for the guest being interviewed, not only did I disagree: I lost quite a bit of respect for.

During the interview the questions were posed as to why people (investors et al) harbor these feelings of angst as to whether or not they should get in, get out, etc,, etc. The guest then went on to use data points, math, trend references, and any other metric available within a snake oil sales bag as to prove his point: Where people not believing in this market rally along with those who’ve not participated are, (and I quote) “Idiots.” (more…)

Bouncing Toward Oblivion

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I’ve never really asked if Slopers prefer videos or just a long sheet of charts, and frankly, I probably am not inclined to ask, since I know what is easier for me – – doing a video! But there are certain advantages to a simple post, including the “random access” method of looking at the information (as opposed to watching a video from end to end).

Below I share charts which have a couple things in common:

  • I’m short every one of them;
  • They have broken critical support levels and have done important retracements to what I consider beautiful “fall-away” zones

I am showing everyone those symbols for letters A, B, and C – – – I’m doing a paralell post for my (beloved) Slope Plus members with all the rest of these ideas for the rest of the alphabet. Enjoy! (more…)