Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Kinski the Mad Jesus

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When I was a kid, one of the most sensual images burned into my young Tim brain was the sultry lips of Nastassja Kinski. In more recent times, one of my favorite comic bits is Patton Oswalt’s analysis of the difference between Bob Ross (another obsession of mine, but that’s a whole other story) and William Alexander, the latter of whom Patton described as “Klaus Kinski on crank.”

I had never heard of Mr. Kinski before, but he was the father of the aforementioned sultry-lipped beauty. Being a curious sort, I decided to read up on the man and watch some of his acting. I fear I may be getting obsessed with this fellow (much as I did with Harry Nilsson) although Bob Ross and Harry Nilsson weren’t stark, raving mad as Mr. Kinski appears to have been. In any event, below is just a taste – – I watched all 9 segments of Kinski’s “Jesus” performance, and it’s pretty damned amazing.

Bearish Trade Setups In Case of a Market Top

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The list of bearish trade setups have diminished again some this week as a result of a massive bull rally for most of August. 

While I am a bit uncertain of this market at these levels and how much more it can really rally, experience has taught me to always expect the unexpected from the stock market,  so that what seems illogical today, can make perfect sense tomorrow.

That’s what the charts are for – to guide your decisions and there is no reason to get short this market until price and volume suggest doing so.

So tuck this list a way and keep it handy for such a time where the market decides to get a little freaky to the downside.

Here’s the bearish list of trade setups:

bearish list of trade setups 8-26-14

Be sure to checkout more of Ryan’s Swing-Trades at

Retracement Targets

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SPX traded sideways yesterday in what looked quite a lot like a bull flag, but has broken down overnight. It seems very likely that an overdue retracement has started, though we might still retest the current high to form a small double top. The main fib retracement targets are the 23.6% fib retrace at 1990, the 38.2% fib retrace at 1980, and the 50% retrace at 1973. The 50 hour MA is at 1992 and might hold for the 23.6% option. Rising wedge support has already broken, so that is no longer support. SPX 60min chart:

140828 SPX 60min Retracement Targets
