Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.


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Here’s another fine example of your tax dollars at work (or at least the tax dollars of those here in the Bay Area):


So what they’re doing is requiring medical marijuana dispensaries……… set aside a portion of their cannabis…………to give away free…………to poor people. Boy, there’s nothing that’s going to get the impoverished on their feet and back into the workforce like a good toke, is there? Incidentally, it wasn’t a close vote by the Berkeley Council: it was unanimous.

I read this within an hour of reading this article stating, in part, “Teenagers who smoke marijuana daily are over 60 percent less likely to complete high school than those who never use. They’re also 60 percent less likely to graduate college and seven times more likely to attempt suicide.”

It’s almost enough to make you think the powers that be want the poor to stay poor. Nahhhhh.

The Falling Wedge and Middle Band

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At the low yesterday SPX was 1.4% off the current all time high at 2011, and we saw the bounce into possible falling wedge resistance that I was talking about as a possibility yesterday morning. That resistance was broken slightly at the close and that leaves two clear options for this falling wedge setup.

The bear option is that the falling wedge now breaks down with a target in the 1950 area. I’ll be able to given an exact target once I get a break level. This would take SPX close to key support in the 1945 area. This is the option I was looking at yesterday morning. (more…)

Panic Goes to Audio

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They say there’s a first time for everything, and that applies to me today – – – although not very dramatically: I’ll be spending a portion of the afternoon doing my first Audible, Inc. session recording my book, Panic Prosperity and Progress (which, for those of you who don’t know about it, is described here………..). I’ve been delighted at the reception the book has received (Amazon has 19 reviews, last time I checked, and the average review is the highest 5-star rating. Anyway, I’ll be doing many recording sessions, because I’m told I’ll need to read for about 40 hours to get through all the sessions……….see ya later.
