Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Definitely Maybe

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Stan and I were looking carefully at the current setup on SPX in yesterday’s chart chat and you can see the recording of that here. Short term SPX and the rest of my optic run indices are still in the same inflection point that they were in on Friday morning, waiting for a break either way.

If that break is upwards then the very obvious target is the 2030 area, at the retest of broken channel support, the target for the retrace of the triangle from two weeks ago, and not far below the SPX double bottom target at 2041.


Jackson Hole in One

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Greetings from my mother in law’s ancient Macintosh, where I try to expunge my blogger’s guilt by doing a quick comment cleaner. I see the ES and NQ plummeting lower, proving once again that all my worries about the central banking morons at Jackson Hole was, as usual, pointless, feeble, and pretty much ghey. Shame on me. It was a horror in 2010, and I will remain deeply scarred until my dying day. Death to Bernanke! Slowly!

But my 81 shorts will, barring some bizarre reversal, be shining in the morning, and unlike last Sunday, I don’t have a single stinking long in my entire portfolio. I’m delighted that Jackson Hole is behind us, and as far as I am concerned, it’s going to be clear sailing until the anti-Christ (Janet Yellen, in case you haven’t figured that out already) does her stupid announcement on Thursday, September 17th. I will shoot all bulls on sight until that day.

Peak Pissed Off (by Bob Kudla)

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I consider myself an observer. I am hyper-ly aware of the world around me, and for the longest time people in general have not had the same alarm I feel for some time about our Country, future, and world. I always tell my family things don’t matter to people until it does. Then things happen fast.

That Nexus has arrived. The trigger, in my opinion was when Trump touched the third rail of politics and took on the immigration lobby and found out the electricity wasn’t on, and then in prime time took down the Doyenne of the Media right, in the most vile way, and people cheered, on both sides.

The reason, in my opinion people are sick and tired of being sick and tired. They are tired of politicians telling them the things they are mandating for them are good for them (the people) when it is a clear as day it is for the benefit of them (the elites).
