Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

The Ursine Toggle

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Greetings from Whole Foods, where I’ve dispatched my son to deal with the shopping, as he has decided to cook dinner for the family tonight. Whole Foods apparently hasn’t spent any of their gigantic profits on their network, since it feels like the entire store is dangling off a shared 2400 baud modem. All the same, I take opportunities to do posts when I can, thus I am banging out this final post of the day.

As an aside, I’ll mention no regret at not being able to watch every moment of the Democratic Convention. Lord in heaven almighty, the Jerry Lewis Telethon was more entertaining. Not only that, but there’s only so much pandering at Hillary-worshiping I can stomach. I love watching politics, but seriously, about five minutes is about all I can take before causing stomach upset.


Strangest. Video. Ever.

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Here’s a break from charts as we wait for the Fed announcement at 2 p.m. EST…………..I’m a big Harry Nilsson fan, but the video below was one of his most bizarre ideas: to find a bunch of senior citizens and have them sing a song about how they’d rather be dead than wet their beds. It’s actually kind of sociopathic to have them do this, if you ask me, but it’s an interesting little time capsule………(and kind of a catchy tune):


Gap from Last Quarter Closed

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Apple delighted its shareholders with a strong earnings report last night, and its strength was an important element of equity elevation this morning. (As I mentioned on Tastytrade yesterday before the close, I wimped out of my Apple position and covered my short at a profit; good thing, too.) The gap from last quarter’s tumble has now been sealed up, and AAPL, while still up, has been slipping from its opening strength.
