What Is Hidden Will Be Revealed

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The Slope of Hope has, over its many years, become a technological treasure trove unto itself. Besides an astonishing amount of content (nearly 20,000) posts, we have our own comments system, the best in the world, and the completely unique SocialTrade system (which even has a Virtual Reality version). There is the premium Slope PLUS membership and, most recently, the marvelous SlopeCharts product.

This last one has been changing and improving the most recently, and I have another important feature to tell you about. When looking at a chart, right-click anywhere in the blank area, and you will see this menu pop up:


The menu is self-explanatory, but to be clear, it lets you hide (or, if hidden, reveal) any of these elements of a chart:

  • Drawn objects (trendlines, channels, retracements, rectangles);
  • Technical indicators (moving averages);
  • The price bars themselves;
  • The volume bars, at the bottom of the chart

This last item, volume, is itself a new feature. You can see, for instance, on the SPY, how absolutely no one is trading the market, except on those glorious days when we drop hard:


You may find it puzzling that I’ve given you the ability to hide prices, but it can be an interesting way to look at the chart, as shown here with just trendlines and indicators:


Most of the really cool new features I’m going to be adding henceforth will be exclusively for Slope PLUS members. As I’ve mentioned, I’m also planning on cranking the price up for Slope PLUS (which is still absurdly cheap), so if you want to jump on board, you might as well do so now before I raise those prices and add those features.