Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.


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Back on December 26th, I did a premium post called A Musing which stated three things:

  1. I had dumped almost all my positions;
  2. I anticipated a rally to 2600;
  3. the empty-headed optimism of the new year, coupled with trade talks scheduled for the week of January 7th, would provide the necessary fuel for the market to take on what, back on the 26th, seemed like an impossibly swift ascent.

If – – and I repeat, if – – 2600 turns out to be the turning point, the post will have to go down as genius-level in terms of its prescience, accuracy, and clairvoyance (which will make the fact I have traded like a goddamned moron since then less damaging). Today we peaked just a couple of points beneath that level – literally 99.3% of the way there – so if we slip from here, good God, that will be breathtaking.


Russell Retracement

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It’s really, really, REALLY easy to be a bear when the market is in a free-fall. Everyone loves you. You get bottles of booze in the mail. You get love letters. The whole schmear.

At times like this, the entire world hates you. (well, more specifically, me). I am, once again, the only equity bear walking the planet. Billionaire fund managers, pundits, analysts, and everyday Joes are stock-crazy once more. Everything is going up. Trump and Powell will save us. China is our friend. And so on.

I’ll humbly offer you this long-term chart of the Russell 2000 with its Fibonacci retracements:
