Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Examples You Can Use

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The more I use SlopeRules, the more excited I get about it. I’m excited about it as the owner of the technology, and I’m excited about it as a trader/user of it. This is a whole new discipline for me, and I find it mesmerizing.

Although we now have a number of indicators in the system, I wanted to offer a couple of examples with moving averages. I did a search for the best moving averages and stumbled upon a couple of articles. This one from Benzinga declared that “Among short- and long-term EMAs, they discovered that trading the crossovers of the 13-day and 48.5-day averages produced the largest returns.” OK, interesting! So I put that together: (more…)


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Thank you to all who participated in the options webinar just now; we had a good crowd and a lot of great questions. The link here on the site to the product in question, Trade Machine Pro, is here.

I’m going to do another post tonight on SlopeRules (what else?) but in the meanwhile, here’s an updated intraday chart of AMZN, which is sporting a breathtaking $130+ range after hours. One can imagine how many weekly options owners have had heart attacks this evening with all the dynamism. This is a real rarity – – and remember, this chart is just over the span of two HOURS!


Counter-Cyclical Winds Blow, Gold Miners Front and Center

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Note from Tim: Scientific Option Trading Webinar TODAY at 2:00 PST! Sign up here if you haven’t.

As the stock market cracked on October 10th we noted…

Looks Who’s Holding Firm Amid the Carnage; the Gold Miners

And sure enough the GDX bottoming pattern noted in that post (and before that in an NFTRH subscriber update) played out perfectly amid the stock market carnage going on all around it.

Was I trying to predict something? Of course not. I was just following general rules we’ve had in place through all of NFTRH’s 10-plus year history and privately for myself since early in the bull market that began in 2001. Very simply, the counter-cyclical winds must blow and the Macrocosm must come front and center for a constructive fundamental view of the gold stock sector. That first crack in the stock market was a good start.
