Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

The Best of 2018 (Part 2 of 4)

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Preface to all parts: 2018 was an extraordinary year for the Slope of Hope, now entering its 14th year in business. There were over 2,000 posts in 2018 alone, and I have extracted for you those I consider the best 1% which were not already included in my compendium Silicon Valley Babble On. For those who want to support the site, I encourage you to open up a brokerage account at tastyworks or subscribe to a Slope membership.

Here are the posts for this portion, in chronological order:


Introducing Dynamic Sliders

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There was a time last year that new features on Slope of Hope and SlopeCharts were happening so quickly that it almost got annoying. I love new ideas, and I love product development, and once we get on a tear, we blast past everyone else.

The last few months we’ve been largely stalled, however. That’s going to change, though, starting right this second. What I’d like you to do is fire up SlopeCharts and go to Analysis—>Technical Studies. You will see something new in the dialog box.


Practicing Patience

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Going through 2018’s posts to pluck out my favorites for the “best of” retrospective was truly eye-opening. I re-read some things I had written back, for instance, in March, and by recalling how certain I was of a particular direction (which, in some cases, absolutely did not happen) gave me a renewed sense of humility. It was an edifying exercise.

I was so relieved that the ES and NQ exhibited strength last night. I have dipped my little toe back into the shorting waters again, but five-sixths of my potential shorts are too cheap for me to want to short still. I’m holding out hope we’ll have enough power to reach the yellow tint.


The Best of 2018 (Part 1 of 4)

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Preface to all parts: 2018 was an extraordinary year for the Slope of Hope, now entering its 14th year in business. There were over 2,000 posts in 2018 alone, and I have extracted for you those I consider the best 1% which were not already included in my compendium Silicon Valley Babble On. For those who want to support the site, I encourage you to open up a brokerage account at tastyworks or subscribe to a Slope membership.

Here are the posts for this portion, in chronological order:
