Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Taking Stock Here

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Last week I was looking at support that needed to be broken at the SPX daily middle band to open further downside and obviously SPX did that and could be at or close to the wave A low here, looking then for a B wave rally, and then a C wave down into the next low window and to complete the current move. On Sunday’s free public Chart Chat I was talking about a possible H&S target in the 2840 area which was reached at the lows this morning. If you missed Sunday’s Chart Chat or would like to see that again, that is posted on our May Free Webinars page.

We hold a subscriber only webinar every month at which we answer any questions attendees have, and review important markets in response to those questions, and we are holding one tonight at which, this time only, all are welcome. So if you’d like to see that you can register for that on our May Free Webinars page or you can register to attend using this direct link.


Ship Sliding Away

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Well, we’ve gone from the ridiculous to the sublime. At the midst of the China/US negotiation insanity, the latest gambit by the U.S. is to increase tariffs (literally hours away at this point) but NOT on goods already in transit. Evidently, this gives them a few more weeks of breathing room as the cargo vessels groan their way over the Pacific.

I daresay the next ploy will be to demand the ships cut their speed to 5 knots so that even more time is allowed. It’s all become a comic farce at this point. We’ve only had three days of trading so far this week, but it feels like a month or two.
