The Bronze Age

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This post is explicitly aimed at those at the Sloper level of service (in other words, free users). I’d like to strongly encourage you to consider signing up for a Bronze membership, which is our cheapest one. Besides all the cool stuff you get with your memberships, here are my reasons to do this immediately instead of in the future:

  • On August 1, the price is going up 50%;
  • I am going to take away a number of free features and put them into Bronze (and the higher levels, obviously), such as the Reporting This Week earnings calendar and the options chain page, besides all the features listed below;
  • As as reminder, I deliberately removed commercial advertisements from the site (and sacrificed the substantial revenue in doing so) in order to make Slope faster and better-looking, so, c’mon, you could at least throw a few bucks my way each month to support Slope. You’re a serious trader. Is $9.95 a hardship? I bet not!

Here are the features Bronze members get that Slopers do not:


To save even more, there’s the annual membership (pay for 10 months, get 12). I hope to see you at Bronze level!