Clean-Up Crew

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What a crazy weekend this is. I drove the length of the state to come down to (God help me) Torrance, California for a fencing tournament, and I’ll drive all the way back whenever this thing ends. In the meanwhile, sitting on this little chair in this noisy facility, I wanted to let you know a couple of things we achieved in the midst of all my driving and trip prep.

First off, we recently discovered that our subscription page was malfunctioning. This was because the darlings over at Stripe changed their API, and we needed to make some changes over here. Since Slope is 100% supported by its paying members (God bless them, one and all), and we take no advertising dollars, this was what we in the sophisticated world of business call A Bad Thing. Because if a person wants to subscribe, it sure would be nice if they were able to do so.

But it works now, Stripe changes be damned, and if you were trying to subscribe but couldn’t, please forgive the error of our ways, and go to the page now to join the Slope elite and all their benefits. Click here to check out what you get with different levels of wonderfulness. If nothing else, consider going Bronze, just as a way of saying, “Thanks, Tim, for not having ads on your site or ever selling a single email address in nearly fifteen years of being in business.

The second change is we’ve improved the timeliness and accuracy of our earnings dates information, which permeates the site. Slope is going to be getting more and more serious about earnings-based options trades, and even if you don’t trade options, earnings dates are quite important. You will find earnings dates all over the site (including, importantly, SlopeCharts), but my favorite reference point is the Reporting This Week page.


Unless the market does something really, really interesting this afternoon, I probably won’t do a new post until the morning (plus, I’ve got a seven hour drive to deal with). I’m excited about the week ahead, and believe me, we have dozens and dozens of improvements coming on Slope that I think you folks are going to love. To Victory!