Who Could Ask For More? (3)

By -

Preface To All Four Parts: I have sixty-four short positions (which seems to be kind of common lately) and I have broken them into four equal groups. Posts 1 and 3 are for everyone, and posts 2 and 4 are for Gold and Diamond members. Click any chart to see a much, much bigger version, and use the arrows on any chart to navigate the gallery for that post.

slopechart HAIN
slopechart HPQ
slopechart HST
slopechart HT
slopechart HUN
slopechart IFF
slopechart IMAX
slopechart IP
slopechart KALU
slopechart KRO
slopechart LNC
slopechart MAC
slopechart MDP
slopechart MOS
slopechart MTB
slopechart NOV