Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Gold Stocks: Peak Bleak?

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Peak Oil? That was an obvious and widespread promotion while it was in play and did not fool anyone who bothered to step aside from the herd that ran with it.

Peak Terror in broad stock markets? Well, that I don’t discount so readily because this is a system that was a debt-bloated accident waiting for the trigger that turned out to be COVID-19. Terrified casino patrons will pray that the Fed’s bullets are not duds because that is the only way out. That and the still-intact mass confidence in the Keynesian debt scheme that the Fed operates within.



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I lost 1% today. My trades were all pretty much duds. I took damage from my TLT and GDX shorts. I got out of my GLD short at a small profit. I am still long BA. But on the whole, I felt rather “out of synch“‘ today. Given how fantastic the past month has been, meh, I can live with it. I just forgot was it was like to end the day in the red.

Still, I’m not sure how much “synch” there exists that one can be “in” with at all. This market is unrepentant chop. One glance at the ES shows that all we’ve doing is banging around in a slightly lower range.


Tune In Today

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At the top of the hour, I’m doing a half hour show on tastytrade you might want to watch. It is double my normal show length, and it should be particularly good. Here’s the link, and show time is noon my time (one hour before the market close). As a reminder, tastyworks is their related brokerage, and I encourage options traders to give it a close look. If you miss the show, no worries; they have it available in the archive about an hour after the close. Use the same link to get to it (or any past shows, for that matter).
