Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

About Those Shared Lists

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Before I begin, I want to say one last time how much I enjoy David Stockman’s Contra Corner. It’s simply fantastic, and the high point of my day is to read it each evening. Please learn more about this marvelous piece by one of the nation’s best thinkers.

Back to Slope. Far and away the most common query I get is: “How do I see your own watch lists?” I’m kind of flattered so many people care, but I keep asking myself how crummy a job I must have done in providing instructional material on the site if it’s this hard to figure out. I want to do better.

The ability to share watch lists (“Publish”) and see the watch lists of others (“Subscribe”) is all detailed on this page. But I wanted to mention a few key points since this is such a big point of curiosity lately.


Gettin’ There

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It was all going so well for the bulls. Just two days ago, we were hitting multi-year lows. Thanks to the shameless whores in Washington, and their desire to bail out their rich buddies, they were ready to throw $6 trillion at the billionaires (and a few shekels for common people, just to throw them off the scent). But Bernie came along and pissed all over it shortly before the close. The nearly 4,000 point rally got paused.


Customized Dates

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Back in the boring old days of a VIX at 11 and the market climbing 0.4% every single day of the year, the only way I could busy myself was to add new features to the site and talk about them. I’ve been quiet on that front for obvious reasons, but I’m pleased to dust all the ol’ New Stuff To Talk About schtick and let you know that there’s a new feature in SlopeCharts: custom dates.

To use it, just right-click anywhere on the chart and choose the Data Period. You’ll see a new choice (you should refresh your screen to make sure you have the latest version):
