Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Gold Sector Correction is Maturing

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The HUI Gold Bugs index has over the last 2 decades (encompassing both bull and bear markets) tended to bottom in July per‘s data for the index. A seasonal average is not a directive, but it is a (+/-) guide to be factored. Last year gold stocks bottomed in May as we caught what would be a violent upswing. This year I expect the low to be in June or July.


Wirecard Tanks

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The company’s auditor, Ernst & Young GmbH, reportedly informed it that there was “no sufficient audit evidence so far of cash balances on trust accounts.” According to The Wall Street Journal, the amount of cash that was missing amounts to approximately 25% of the value of Wirecard’s balance sheet.

“There are indications that spurious balance confirmations had been provided from the side of the trustee respectively of the trustee’s account holding banks to the auditor in order to deceive the auditor and create a wrong perception of such cash balances or the holding of the accounts for to the benefit of Wirecard group companies,” Wirecard said in a statement.

It also said it is working with EY to clarify the matter of the missing money. The company also said that the delay in its auditor signing off on its accounts could mean that its loans amounting to about €2 billion could be called in early.


Inner Meaty It

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Most of this week has been like watching paint dry. Sure, there’s movement, but markets feel very “pinned” during the normal session. If we take a step back, however, there are two elements which I believe deserve attention: (1) the price gap still intact from last week; (2) the failure, in most cases, of the intermediate-term trendline from March 23rd. Here are some ETF examples:

slopechart DIA
DIA Dow 30 “Diamonds”