Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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SPX Targets

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Further to my post of June 15, the SPX pushed above 3080.20 to reach a high of 3155.53 on Friday, as shown on the daily chart below.

I’ve shown two Fibonacci Extensions (one taken from the March low and the other taken from the June low), as well as an Andrew’s Pitchfork (taken from the March low), and a Williams Alligator (formed by three moving averages, each offset into the future).

There are two areas of price confluence zones (targets) above the current price. The first is a minor confluence zone around the 3250 level (where two of the Fib Extension levels converge). The second is a major confluence zone around 3350 (where two of the Fib Extension levels converge with the bottom of the Andrew’s Pitchfork channel).
