I’ve been involved in financial data for my entire adult life, and I’m well acquainted with its many peculiarities. One of the key ones is symbology, which varies from market to market, and is especially insane in the world of commodities (and don’t even get me started on futures options).
SlopeCharts is not immune to these vagaries, and until now, it was impossible to create a custom symbol with any commodity data, because the futures charts begin with the slash (“/”) which also is obviously the symbol we all use as the division sign. If you wanted to chart the S&P 500 futures versus the long-term continuous gold contract, you might have tried to enter /ES//GC (that is, /ES divided by /GC), and it would have just barfed all over the place.
But those days are over! Now you can make use of futures symbols (well, Diamond members can, since they have access) to your heart’s content. I thought I’d share a few example charts to illustrate this in action. For you Gold/Diamond premium members, please note I’ve added these charts to the Pairs shared watch list.
Here is gold divided by the M2 money supply, which is pretty much the main basis for my bullishness regarding gold (symbol /GC/FR:M2)

Here is the S&P 500 futures divided by bonds (symbol /ES//US)

Here is the S&P 500 futures divided by crude oil (symbol /ES//CL)

Incidentally – – and this is something all SlopeCharts users can enjoy – – we’ve spruced up the aesthetics of the product a little. I think it looks nicer than before. And, rest assured, we’ve got a laundry list of other goodies on the way this year. Thank you!