Considering the fact that I’ve devoted just about 100% of my time and engineering resources to virtual trading – – something which doesn’t mean a single paying customer to me — one might wonder what I’m thinking.
Well, to be honest (which is a nettlesome habit of mine), there are two things I’ve got in mind:
- I want to be able to provide a way, both for myself and for you good people, to see just how well or poorly I would do with an account in which there is absolutely no risk. I can be as smart or dumb, cautious or crazy, clever or simple-minded as I like, and none of it will cause me one penny of financial harm.
- Most importantly, and I’m extra-sincere about this, I want to be able to create a system for options strategies so that someone even as dumb as me can actually use it effortlessly. That is a very tall order, and it’s one hell of a lot of work.