Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Memories of Charts Past

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Salutations again from the concrete-cloistered depths of the Stanford Shopping Center parking garage. I’m kind of touched that so many people have emailed me, wondering about these kooky habits. Don’t worry, the wife hasn’t thrown me out, and I’m not homeless. I’m simply killing two proverbial birds with a single stone, charging my car and looking at charts for you good people. Three stones, actually, since a subset of my dog retinue gets to come out with me.

As I am typing this, the ES, RTY, and NQ are all bright green, and I’m not concerned. I’m more excited about the market than I’ve been in many months. Below I’ve got 14 ETF charts, with a few words about each in the caption area. The first 7 are free to all, and the second 7 are for my awesome paid members (all levels, from Bronze on up).

slopechart DBC
Commodities – -doomed and doomed can be!

Black Girls Code!

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One recent morning, I was driving home from a nearby errand on El Camino Real, crossing from Menlo Park into Palo Alto, when a bus rumbled past me. It was one of those double-long buses and, as usual, there wasn’t a single soul on it. Well, obviously there was the driver, probably paid in the six figures thanks to overtime, but otherwise it was, as is always the case, utterly empty and unused.

On the side of the bus, as there usually was, a large advertisement was affixed. These ads normally encourage the onlooker to drink milk, or sign up for online courses at De Anza College, or go to the Stanford Shopping Center.

However, This was one I had never seen before. There was a stylized photo of a young black woman’s face, and next to that were the giant words: “It isn’t a question of if she will change the world. But when.”

Centered beneath all of this were the words: Black Girls Code.
