Household Names

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In the old days, companies that sold common goods had very low P/Es, whereas high-growth, high-tech companies might sport P/Es in the mid-20s. Those days are long gone. Check out these firms, which make the most banal items around and yet have massive valuations.

First there is YETI which makes………….wait for it………..cups. Yeah, freakin’ cups. We’ve got ’em in our house. In normal times, a freakin’ cup company would not have a P/E at all, since it wouldn’t be public in the first place. This one, however, is 61 times earnings.

slopechart YETI

Want something sexier than cups? Let’s head to the bedroom and check out the mattress! Purple Innovation creates mattresses, and with a P/E at 288, they make YETI look like a total steal.

slopechart PRPL

If you’re more into chairs, bean bags, and sofas, makebe Lovesac is more your thing. Their price-earnings? 88!

slopechart LOVE

Of course, it’s immediately obvious that this company is a game-changer.
