Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

You Only Lose Once

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You may not believe this – – and I didn’t know it was true until just a few minutes ago – -but there is actually an ETF with the symbol YOLO. As you might guess, this is targeted at the yo-dude, hey-bro, let’s-get-swoll numbskulls with a few bucks to blow. The fund itself invests purely in cannabis, which, again, I’m sure is like, whoa, man, so cool to the aforementioned, umm, investors. In any case, here’s how this beauty has been tracking over the past year which, I’ll gently remind you, is in the context of the largest and most fraudulent bull market in human history.

slopechart YOLO

Dead Battery

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Since I have spent many an evening clicked in to the (free!) Tesla Supercharger, I guess I’ve never understood why public charging stations were such a great business model. For a while, they were the hottest thing in the universe, I suppose in part because it was assumed the multi-trillion dollar Build Biden Better or whatever it was called was going to sail through Congress. In any case, it’s quite clear that the lights are getting dim for Blink (BLNK):

slopechart BLNK

Tarnished Silvergate

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With the exception of a persistently-smaller clutch of megacap stocks (I’m looking at you, AAPL) the equity market has been in quiet, grinding bear market for months now. It’s just the household names that are keeping this farce propped up. Even some of the most classically well-formed bullish charts from last year are feeling the heat. I offer as Exhibit A the stock Silvergate (symbol SI) which even to this bear’s eyes looked terrific:

slopechart SI