Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Third Reich Hot Take

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I am continuing to plow my way through The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich on a nightly basis (it’s a very long book). It’s probably the highlight of my day. I’m up to the summer of 1939 at this point, just before the invasion of Poland, and I wanted to share a few things that I’ve learned, or impressions that I’ve had. I’d like to preface this by saying I’m a fairly serious student of history – – probably in the 95th percentile (OK, probably more like 99th percentile) of U.S. citizens, and I am stunned at the level of my own ignorance as I work my way through this piece.

  • 1933-1938 wasn’t easy: I always had the impression that once Hitler was made Chancellor, everything was a piece of cake for him. Not true at all. He had tremendous amounts of resistance. The majority of the public did not like the man, and did not vote for the man. Indeed, even at the height of propaganda and terror, when people knew their votes were being watched, he still couldn’t capture even 50% of the population’s vote. Most of the 1930s were very frustrating for Hitler, as he tried to work within the confines of established power and political realities to execute his vision.

TNR Energy

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When most folks think of TNR, it means Terms & Regulations, but here on Slope, it refers to TNRevolution. I feel a debt of gratitude to the man today, since his comment about the small caps bottoming inspired me to GTFO of my IWM puts at just about the best possible price yesterday morning.

TNR has also been kicking my butt with his energy bullishness (in sharp contrast to my energy bearishness). I stumbled upon this futures chart today which will make him happy. If we cross above that horizontal, I think TNR’s energy bullishness is going to go to “11”.

slopechart BZ

If EV Flies……

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Since the topic of Tesla gets talked to death, I wanted to offer three more electric vehicle stocks which might have excellent long-term potential as longs (assuming the sector in general does well). These are quite speculative, but the returns could be spectacular (I’d like to gently remind my readers that I did some wildly bullish TSLA posts many years ago when it was, on a split-adjusted basis, a single digit stock).

slopechart GOEV