Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

More Improvements

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The SlopeTalk project is going precisely as I anticipated, which is that I can’t stop thinking of new ideas. Each day, a somewhat better version comes out. Sorry to be so repetitive, but it’s vital you hit Shift-F5 on your keyboard when you visit SlopeTalk to make sure you’ve got the latest version during this rapid development period. The most recent improvements include:

  • Scrolling – – this was driving people bananas. They would be typing away, and the screen would scroll all the way to the bottom. This has been fixed. Just make sure auto-scroll is off in Preferences.
  • Paste Image – – instead of having to Upload an image, we’re going to let you just paste (Ctrl-V) directly into the input box. This isn’t quite done yet, but it mostly works now, although not elegantly. Try to paste (with your keyboard) a graphic, and you’ll see a URL show up. Don’t worry, that’s supposed to happen (and it’ll be gone when the feature is complete). Post it, and voila, there’s your graphic.
  • Notifications at Top – A number of you asked for this, and I’ll describe it below.

For Now

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I’ve got to say, I was exceptionally disappointed in the market on Wednesday. I’m not trying to be dramatic or provocative. I am seriously, seriously pissed-off, disappointed, and feel utterly cheated. It’s infuriating when EVERY single sign points clearly to a nice, hearty, red day, and then for NO reason at ALL, the market rallies all goddamned day long. It makes me sick, and frankly my interest in this market is plunging to never-before-seen depths. Honestly.

With that cheerful intro, let’s look at the after-hours action. And that’s kind of my point. What DIFFERENCE does it make? Seriously. The fact that IBM is down hard right now, for example, apparently doesn’t mean a thing. It may rally huge tomorrow based on, what, I dunno, the smell of Yellen’s feet? Honest to God, people, there’s just no rhyme or reason anymore. I would have never, ever assumed Wednesday would recover as it did. It’s sickening.
