Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Tesla’s Gap Resistance

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So is this how it’s going to be? A day in which we have some Big Looming Event and have to sit around for it and wait until we actually trade? The biggies tend to be:

  • Some earnings report of a mega-cap;
  • The FOMC press conference;
  • The CPI inflation data point

That third one is the one we’re dealing with right now. We’re all stuck in the muck until the Next Big Data Point. In the meanwhile, I languorously offer to you the next meaningful resistance level for TSLA, at its gap:

Monday, Monday

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Welcome back from the weekend. We’re still in the throes of the quagmire, or face-off, or whatever other term you want to apply to a market that simply doesn’t know what to do with itself. My most optimistic (that is to say, bearish) point of view is that the resistance at 4200 is still our best friend, and the cyclic nature of the /ES over the past 9 months still suggests an erosion lower.


Holmes On the Range

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As most of you know, Elizabeth Holmes has managed to avoid prison for many years after her transgressions. My hunch is that this month will not end without her being led off to prison. Anyway, the New York Times did a huge write-up on her, and it’s quite a read. I’ve got to admit, the whole pretty mom+likes dogs angle works awfully well with me. Like this:

“In the waning days of Theranos, Ms. Holmes got a dog, a Siberian husky named Balto. Last year, when a mountain lion carried Balto away from the front porch, Ms. Holmes spent 16 hours searching in the woods, digging through brambles and poison oak, hoping to find him alive. Everyone knew Balto was dead, but Ms. Holmes kept searching. The relentlessness. The certainty. The fanaticism. “

Glancing at the comments of the article, it’s clear people have blood in their eyes when they read about this woman. The whole thing makes me just sad.


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During the course of this weekend, during which sane people relax and enjoy themselves, I have:

  • Published thirteen posts;
  • Introduced the Unfiltered Prices feature in SlopeCharts
  • Introduced the Personal Symbols feature in SlopeCharts
  • Emailed a special free book offer to my annual subscribers
  • Completed the submission of the audio version of Solid State

I need to tell myself I’ve done enough for King & Country for now. I’ll see you Monday morning.