Arctic Blackout

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I’m not sure what conveys for you a sad image. Perhaps a puppy dog sitting in a corner, having been freshly scolded for having an accident. Or a child whose favorite toy just broke and is sitting on the curb, weeping. But, for me, the saddest site imaginable is Tim Knight on a 13 hour flight with a WiFi that doesn’t work. It’s just heartbreaking.

And real, too. I was cheerfully online for about 40 minutes, planning to spend my time productively (albeit terribly slowly, given the speed constraints). But, voila, once we got up to the Aleutian Islands, it was bye-bye Internet. I spent the next five hours pathetically checking my infinite ping command (you DOS oldsters will know what I mean). We only came back online minute ago. It was like a drink of ice water after a crawl through the desert.

Before some of you gather together to start a GoFundMe page for poor old Tim, I’ll just say that I’ll try to write a decent post once we land. I was at least relieved to see we’re still down nicely on the day. You can imagine the horror scenarios pulsing through my mind during those dark five hours.