A Celebration of Specialness

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Well, it's Saturday morning in bucolic Palo Alto, and I've just finished making some chocolate croissants for the cubs. I have been fasting since dinner last night – – it has been a long and difficult road, but with God's help, I shall make it – – since I need to get a blood test in a few minutes as part of a regular physical ("regular" being once very ten years, when I'm finally goaded into it).

I don't have the time to really comment on the markets right now (and I've been so chatty on Slope lately there's not a whole lot left to say), so I'll throw open the doors for some SlopeFest suggestions. The most die-hard Slopers – over a hundred of them – have expressed an interest in getting together in Las Vegas somewhere around May 10-12. The simplest thing to do would be to rent out a large private dining room and get to know each other.

But this has never been done before, so it's a blank slate. For those coming, what would you like to get from this gathering? Simply getting some face-time is the obvious outcome, but I'm probably missing a lot of possibilities. So I'd love to read your ideas.

Later today, when I have more time, I'll put together a post about, I dunno, charts or something.
