Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Italian Barf Bag……..Evil Plan 19.0

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After last week's heroics, I had hoped we could just put this entire Euro mess to rest.  Well, even I am not that gullible, we all know better then that now.  I have a sneaking suspicion that this is not the end of the beginning, but more likely the beginning of the end.  What really disgusted me in all of this, was the way Greek PM Papou was portrayed by the political/media/banking establishment.  He was universally ridiculed as an irresponsible screwball, whom had lost his marbles.  I mean really, how dare he upset their self serving carefully crafted master plans to save the free world.  


Treatise Underway

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Hi, everyone.

This week has been a little lighter on content than usual. First, my guest writers haven't been sending in as much as usual (except for Springheel Jack, bless him, who is as reliable as one could hope, and BDI, who is working on another odd-numbered Evil Plan right now), and second, I've had more than my fair share of other commitments.

Indeed, it's pitch black outside this Saturday morning, yet I'm getting ready to head up with my family to an event for one of my kids, so I'll be doing that all day (yo, BDI, if you can finish up your post, that would allow me to retire this comment-cleaner!)

I have been, in the back of my mind, working on an uber-post, now that I've finished up my Jobs biography. It's probably the most personal, and perhaps dangerous, post I've ever written, because it treads on a lot of unfamiliar and perhaps controversial territory. Plus, it's going to be a big 'un, so I need time to write it. In any event, don't think that one of your favorite bloggers has suddenly become an ungrateful bum. I'm working on the post all the time (points to head).

Have a fun Saturday, and I'll have my Jobs post up sometime this weekend; once up, it'll probably stay there until Monday morning.
