Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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The Bull Case (by Springheel Jack)

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I'm going to take a little time today to put the case for the new bull market from the October low. Negative divergences against equities here are very numerous, and for that reason bear market continuation looks more likely to me, but it would be a mistake to think that the bulls have no case here, and I'll be outlining what I see are the main planks of that case from a technical perspective.

In the short term support on the ES rising channel is clearly still holding, and until that breaks there's not much to see on the bear side here. The upper trendline of the channel is in the 1312 area, and ES has moved up an impressive nine points in the hour since I capped this chart to beat the last high. There might be more coming. Channel support is at 1282.5 this morning:
