I am always amazed how large the opportunity to “make it big” factors into the great magnetism of the market. The belief that anyone, from any background can be successful and make tons of money has quite the allure. But, in all of this euphoria people neglect to think about all of those that failed before them. And believe me the failure rate is high. Yet, investors/traders continue to choose the most difficult of investments to trade – stocks. Stock-only traders are at a complete disadvantage because they have no way to trade the randomness of the market. They have a 50/50 chance of success for each and every trade.
Bottom line – stock investors/traders are truly at a disadvantage.
Again, stock investors only have two ways to make a profit: buy a stock or short a stock. And most retail investors are not willing to short a stock, so basically they are only able to profit in one direction – up.