OK, that's over. Thank Jesus (odd as that might be to utter, given the FOMC is involved). They didn't announce anything meaningful.
My disposition is as follows:
+ Took profits on longs earlier today (DV and AIR being particularly handsome);
+ Threw all remaining longs under the bus after the announcement;
+ As of this writing, I am 100% short, but only 35% committed. I am lining up new bearish positions that I'll enter slowly later today once some of the dust clears.
+ I covered my GDX and FXE short positions for nice profits and took profits on my GDX puts. My options account is all cash now.
+ IMPORTANT UPDATE– – the market is acting surprisingly robust in the face of this news. I have re-entered a series of carefully-selected longs, mostly centered in the energy sector. I am still mostly short, but not purely bearish anymore.
I am personally relieved, and I feel the chains have been unshackled from me to trade freely again. At least until the next time these doofuses have something to say.