Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Let Us Prey

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In case I haven't been firm enough with this point, I'll state it again: the "oomph!" of each QE has been decreasing each time. I offer the chart below as evidence; I have colorfully illustrated the successive power each round of "easing" has produced for the Dow 30 chronologically. Green is QE1; Blue is QE2; Red is Operation Twist; Purple is Twist Extension. Only time will tell what QE3 is going to do for the market, but if it ultimately becomes market-negative, then Benjamin Shalom Bernanke is toast.



HUI-SPX Ratio Aims For Higher Levels

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Gold bugs were sent to the woodshed for much of the last year while
the regular stock market spent much of its time bulling.  This has
served two purposes.  First the over bullish (gold fever) sentiment
profile was cleared out in the precious metals and a over bearish
profile was at least partially addressed in broad stocks.

This is a potentially excellent setup for people who made the
necessary adjustments last year and now await a continuation of a trend
that appears to be in its infancy.  Let’s look at the big picture view
of the HUI-SPX ratio, which shows the severity of the gold stock
correction vs. the broad stock market.

hui-spx ratio


Stimulus…The Lifeline for Q3 & Q4 2012

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Here's an argument in favour of the Fed providing additional
monetary stimulus (new money printing) at their meeting this Thursday…this is
purely unbiased…I'm not in favour of or against further stimulus.

following two graphs show total percentages gained to date for 2012 (includes
September 11th closing data) for the six Major Indices and the nine Major


An Apple Trade for the iPhone 5

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It looks like Apple is getting ready to announce the iPhone 5 and perhaps the mini-ipad on Wednesday (9/12/12).  Once a year since 2007 Apple has dazzled the crowd with a "newish" phone and it is that time to do it again.  So as traders where does that leave us?

Let’s take a quick look at the past announcements:
iPhone (Jan 9, 2007) Opened at 86.45 and in a couple of days ran to 97.8
iPhone 3G (June 9, 2008) Opened at 184.93 and in a couple of days dropped to 165.31
iPhone 3Gs (June 8, 2009) Opened at 143.82 and in a couple of days dropped to 134.89
iPhone 4 (June 7, 2010) Opened at 258.29 and in a couple of days dropped to 242.49
iPhone 4s (Oct 4, 2011) Opened at 374.57 and in a couple of days ran to 426.70
iPhone 5 (Sept. 12, 2012)
