Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Swing Baby, Swing!

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This article assumes one is trading the up and down swings in the stock market. Swing traders are just one segment of a market population that includes those sitting in cash (and/or risk ‘off’ vehicles like Treasury Bonds), maintaining longer-term short positions, our always bullish friends, the “stocks for the long-term” contingent and of course, the indomitable Gold Bug “community”, focusing as ever on one asset class while a world full of other assets is in motion.

“Let’s go let’s go, he’s no batter, he’s no batter… (pitch comes to the plate) SWING BATTER!!!”

That was the exact line we were coached to use in little league. Picture it, eight kids out there on every pitch taunting the kid at bat with with a canned line in high pitched, pre-pubescent voices. Yeh, that was intimidating.


Those Who Can’t Do, Teach

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I’ve been receiving a large quantity of really positive emails lately, some of them so over-the-top that it’s a little embarrassing to read them. I got an interesting one this morning (which wasn’t over the top, but was pleasant in any case) I wanted to share, and I’m doing so with the writer’s permission. I’ve boldfaced a couple of bits.

Dear Tim,

I have been following you for about two years now and highly respect your opinion and show. Your charts speak a thousand words. You keep saying you need more time, but I think the charts speak for themselves. 6 months ago when you said oil was going to 20s, I called my dad and said “Tim Knight is crazy! 20s in oil” My dad also watches your show. I help my dad trade his retirement account along with my account. Today, my dad said, “Tim Knight is the best and called it.”

Unfortunately, I am taking an investments class in college and its been tough to not rant about Tim Knight Theories. We are learning that Charts don’t show much and cannot be the basis for investing. You would probably have a heart attack from screaming. It is hard to learn, but is entertaining to listen to.

2016 will be exciting

Short Term Swing Low May be In

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Stan and I have been doing educational webinars on Thursdays every couple of weeks or so for the last few months at, and yesterday’s was on the subject of trading in bear markets and trends presented by Stan and myself with guest panelist Mike Vacchi of Princeton Trader. If you missed that because the room ran out of seats, or just would like to see the recording, that recording is posted here.

As an aside, Mike Vacchi runs the Princeton Trader trading room, which focuses on trading ES and NQ intraday. Stan and I are both on the trading team there. If you have been having trouble trading futures successfully this month, and have the self-discipline to follow simple directions (surprisingly often not the case) then I’d mention that Mike gives two week free trials and that that you can sign up for these here. So far in January on the room trades there has been one red day (last Thursday) with a loss of one handle, and the best day was yesterday which was up 38 handles. Room trades are up a total 200 handles on the month as of yesterday’s close.
