Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Breaking Up Seems Hard To Do

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Yesterday started with a perfect hard rejection at my wedge resistance at 1947, but after a 33 handle decline SPX reversed back up and broke wedge resistance. At this stage I’m looking for a reversal pattern of course, and in the absence of the retest of the lows that didn’t happen yesterday, it is still very much a possibility that the lows will still need to be retested to make the second low of a double bottom.

The pattern setup from the low isn’t that clear, but so far it looks a lot like a rising wedge that would be a likely bear flag on the bigger picture, On a break below wedge support, at 1922.5 at the time of writing, the bear flag target would be either a retest of the low or the full flag target would be in the 1790-1800 area. I’d be leaning strongly towards a retest of the low or a marginal new low. SPX 60min chart:

160113 SPX 60min Falling Wedge Broken Up


Update on Slope Plus Portfolio

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Well, we aren’t even two weeks into the new year, and here’s how the 125 Slope Plus ideas I offered up to my subscribers are doing right now


As you can see, there are only 3 losers out of 125 ideas offered up on January 1st, and only one of those three is a meaningful loss (the symbol was FIVE). We’ve got a profit of 10.56% as of this writing, and a profit of over $130,000 based on $10,000 put into each idea equally.

I wonder how Cramer is doing?

A Hedged Bet Against Small Caps

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Another 3x Bearish ETF Appears In Our Top-10

Happy New Year, Fellow Slopers.

I just saw a 3x bearish ETF (TZA) pop-up among the ten highest-ranking names on Portfolio Armor‘s daily ranking of optionable stocks and exchange-traded products by potential return net of hedging cost. Usually, it’s just stocks in that top-10, but the last time an ETP appeared there it was another bearish ETF, YANG. I posted about that here in November (“A Hedged Bet Against China“), and since then, YANG has gone on a decent run. Maybe something similar will happen with TZA? Just in case it goes pear-shaped, though, I’ve posted a hedge for it below. First, a quick look at how YANG has done since our November post on it.

Screen Shot 2016-01-13 at 7.09.47 AM

Background On How We Calculate Our Ranking (more…)