Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.


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I’ll make this quick, since the ol’ laptop is almost out of juice anyway. I’ve been watching with fascination what’s been going on with the Yen tonight. My stomach was in knots as Kuroda’s time approached, and I groaned to watch the USD/JPY roar higher and drag the ES along with it, ripping it around 22 points higher. Even the NQ, which had been deeply red thanks to Amazon exploded into the green. I was bracing myself for a rough Friday.

Well, who knows what I’ll be looking at when I wake up Friday morning, but for now, I’m a little less worried than before.


As I type this (and it hasn’t even been an hour since the news of NEGATIVE interest rates in Japan broke), almost the entire ES rally is gone, and the Nikkei went from the 18,000s to the 16,000s within the span of minutes. This is the kind of mayhem that Central Banker government bureaucrats can inflict on the “market.”

I’m not resting easy yet, but there’s hope. See you in the morning. (Late Nite Update: I can see the ES and NQ have bounced once again well into the green, following the USD/JPY. Friday should be interesting, to say the least.)

Looking Down?

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It’s unfortunate that my post is late today. I was working late on chart deliveries and overslept. I’ll post the 15min charts that I did on SPX, NDX and RUT, and what I was wondering as I did these was whether the rally had just ended on SPX with that FOMC spike that failed. The key support areas I am watching today are the 50 hour MA at 1884 and the ES weekly pivot at 1868 (approx 1875 SPX). If bears can break these and convert them to resistance then we may well be on the way back to test the low at 1812 SPX. SPX 15min chart:

160127 SPX 15min
