Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Stocks and Gold: the Next Opportunity

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Unless you visit the Notes From the Rabbit Hole website regularly, you might think the title of this article implies it is written by a market analyst pretending to know what will happen; like a top in the stock market or a resumed bull cycle in gold.  You might also think it is written by one of the writers who’ve either a) been fighting the stock bull since the bearish market terminated a year ago or b) been a perma gold bug bull.

So once again, we have our disclaimers because in a milieu of quickly forgotten soundbites, integrity is important.  So I point you to a couple of posts (among many others) that indicated, when the time was right for people to get bullish the stock market in favor of gold.

AMAT Chirps, B2B Ramps, Yellen Hawks and Gold’s Fundamentals Erode (May 30, 2016) (more…)

A Pearl Cast Before A Swine

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I’ve blocked my latest twitter troll, though apart from the one with very poor english a few weeks ago, I strongly suspect that I’ve had the same troll on twitter and my blog for a few months now. If I’m right then he has a London IP address and seems to have a lot of time on his hands. Some of you may have been wondering about the posted trade I mentioned to him, as it’s rare for me to post these, but I was a bit irritated at the 2015 high with being called a permabear for calling a high there, and with clueless pundits telling me that big retracements wouldn’t be allowed by the Fed, so on Tuesday 26th May 2015

I wrote a post helpfully entitled ‘On The Road to 1820‘, with SPX at 2126 at the time, and mentioned that I was short from 2132 ES and was planning to hold it for a 300 handle decline. I cashed that short at 1812 on the morning of Wednesday 20th January 2016 and reviewed it at the end of my post that day called ‘The Trend Is Strong In This One‘. It was a sweet trade (and call of course) and I considered that my point had been made. Needless to say my troll wasn’t impressed, but then it’s not possible to impress a troll. On to the markets.


KC Masterpiece

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So……..any tweets from the President about the stock market this morning?

Hello from Flatland. I’m traveling all day today, so you’re not going to get the usual torrent of content. I will say that I’m pleased to see – – could it be – – a second day of weakness in equities. I hope D.C. rides to the rescue. Won’t someone think of the children?

I’ve got 50 short positions, some of which I’ve been augmenting quite a lot lately (particularly in energy), and I remain long SDS and ERY in my “etf-only” account.
