Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Ten Tardigrades

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If you’re never heard of the creature called tardigrade, it’s considered pretty much the most indestructible living thing possible. It can survive boiling water, or temperatures hundreds of degrees below zero, or radiation, or the vacuum of space, or listening to an hour of Yellen’s testimony………’s pretty much indestructible. Appropriately enough, it is nicknamed “water bear”, and it is in that spirit I’d like to present to you these ten stock charts.

Choosing the charts was easy, because these are the ten most profitable positions for me right now, in spite of being in the most cursed, god-awful, god-damned, wretched equity environment for bears in the history of the human race. So here are my champs, which I kindly offer you for the $0.00 you pay me month after month (with the exception, of course, of my beloved Slope Plus readers, whom you non-Plus people should drop to your knees and thank, because if not for them, I’d have shut this place down ages ago): (more…)

Highs Can Take A While

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Another new all time high this morning and SPX is still on a daily upper band ride. That could end at any time but we’re going to need to see some evidence before having any confidence in a turn here. This move up from the last low is in a decent little rising wedge and obviously that rising wedge support needs to break, but the key level that needs to break is yesterday’s low at 2322.17. A break below would be a significant sign of weakness and the short term high (at least) would likely then be in. There is a lot of negative divergence on the hourly chart and the rising wedge on price and rising channel on the RSI 14 are firmly leaning bearish. SPX 60min chart:

170215 SPX 60min


Digging Up Fossil

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I first wrote about Fossil Group as a short nearly three years ago, when it was a triple-digit price. It has lost about 80% of its value since then, but besides pointing out this long-term downtrend, I also wanted to know that it seems after every one of these major smack-downs, there seems to be a recovery. This is a very, very sick stock, obviously, but at least take note of what happens when the stock sells off hard each time in the past.
