Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Bringing Bad Things to Life

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General Electric has been falling for two solid years, having lost about two-thirds of its value. Let’s face it, ANY stock which can do that poorly in this completely fake, central-bank-supported, sugar-high of a market has got to have SERIOUS trouble. I thought it might manage to double bottom, but nope – – even with markets near lifetime highs, this piece of crap is breaking down to levels not seen since 2011.

slopechart GE (more…)

Gold Member

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We are hard at work on another major expansion of Slope, which is the availability of multiple membership levels (as opposed to just one, Slope Plus). As a baby step in that direction, you’ll  notice the big gold “Plus” icon in the comments section is now replaced with a new look. There will be corresponding badges for Bronze, Silver, and Diamond members. Simply stated, GOLD is the new PLUS, and in the coming weeks we’ll be laying the groundwork for those other membership levels for your consideration.


The Unstoppables

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If you had been put into a sleeping chamber for the past seven years and shown a series of the largest equities around, you would assume, quite understandably, that the Dow was probably at about 40,000 and hadn’t had a down day since George Bush left office. These stocks are the stalwarts – – and until they actually break down (which apparently is going to require a comet strike), no meaningful bear market can begin. They’re simply too strong.

slopechart AMZN (more…)

Heads, Shoulders, and Feet

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I’m no Luddite. All my life, I have enthusiastically embraced great new technology. Macintosh in early 1984. My first Tesla in 2011. Netflix in the 1990s. Google in 1997. Amazon during their earliest days. I know good technology when I see it. Hell, the book I wrote in 1982 predicted with breathtaking accuracy the Internet and its implications. So I’m not some old man chasing kids away from his lawn with a cane. I know tech.

Yet I’ve always felt the need to piss all over the crypto scene. Cryptos are a solution in search of a problem. The best they were able to conjure up was that Ethereum was going to be the way that everyone created contracts. Uh-huh. Let’s check in to see how the Ethereum revolution is going.

ether (more…)