Before I start, two bits of business: (1) we really, honestly, truly think we’ve nailed the latency problem. Try and see! I am very interested to know your results. (2) If you didn’t see it before, remember we’re having a WEBINAR which I discussed in this post. In fact, the CEO just wrote me and nailed down a date and time – January 31st at 2 p.m. PST (that’s an hour after the market closes). So please go to the post if you haven’t and sign up.
So, now – – in my review of Coming Apart, I alluded to a questionnaire in the book which measures how much of an Overeducated Elitist Snob you are (and this is offered in the most loving way possible). Just for fun, take the quiz below – it only takes a couple of minutes – and give yourself a point for each “Yes”. See how YOU rate! The lowest the score, the bigger an OES!