Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Indexes From Around the World

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How many other financial websites are introducing over 57,000 new charts to their site during a holiday weekend? I’d say a whole integer less than “one” is a good guess. Global Indexes are HERE! And they are instantly available to all Silver, Gold, and Diamond members.

As our Cyber Monday Special, we are offering Silver Memberships (giving you instant access to the Global Indexes, as well as all the other benefits of Silver), AT HALF PRICE which you can claim by clicking here. By taking advantage of this sale price, you will lock in an unprecedented 50% off the regular fee, and this ridiculous discount will be in place for life. In short, you are getting a Silver membership for the price of a Bronze, and you never lose the discount.

To get to this data set, go to the Data Panel (left side of SlopeCharts) and click either the right or left arrow at the top to navigate to the panel labeled Globex Indexes. In it you will find a scrollable list of countries from around the world, with the quantity of indexes for each country noted parenthetically after each country name:


Gold Stock Correction is Maturing

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The last time I wrote a title like the above was on June 19th; and wouldn’t you know that the correction ended the very next trading day? The consolidation breakout on Monday, June 22 created the gap you will see as a downside objective on the daily chart of HUI below.

Gold Sector Correction is Maturing (6.19.20)

That was a routine correction as gold and the gold miners were still part of one big relief party as central banks flooded the markets with liquidity to meet the deflationary crisis of the virus-ridden spring.

This time as you can see gold has disconnected from the party (as, obviously, have gold stocks), which continues on its merry way. Some gold bugs may cry foul but what is actually going on is that the normal recipients of cyclical inflation are getting bid as the US dollar declines (inverse USD shown here, rises). If there is an accident along the way to the recovery (or at least the Banana Republic) we will be reminded yet again ‘why gold?’.
