Introducing MATRIX

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I am exceptionally pleased to semi-announce the launch of Slope’s newest offering, SlopeMATRIX. I say “semi” because it isn’t quite done yet. But it’s definitely done enough for you to try during market hours.


We had a simple version of this product in the past, but it was so basic, I actually removed any mention of it from the site without saying anything. However, I decided it was high time to bring back a streaming quote display, and this time we made a point of tightly integrating it with all of Slope’s watch lists (both your own and the ready-made ones that we provide for you). It also has direct access to several of Slope’s key features, built right onto the page. So this is a very new, very different product.

I am an aesthete, so there are still some odds and ends we are going to be polishing this ostensible holiday week, and there’s an exceptionally exciting feature we’re going to add to it than I’m not even mentioning right now. But all you Diamond/Gold/Silver folks, please give it a try (most particularly when the market is open) and email me any requests or feedback!