Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

We Have a Winner!

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Ya know, that time machine we’re always talking about – – it doesn’t even have to go back that FAR in time. One year is plenty! No one here really wants to romp around with dinosaurs, do they?

Having said that, I have used SlopeMATRIX’s oh-so-cool “Statistics Mode” to reveal some of the biggest YTD winners from various watch lists of mine (you Gold and Diamond members always have directly access to my watch lists, of course). Here are the hotties from my Bull Pen: (need I remind you that you can click any of these images for a larger, easier-to-read version):


Easy Come, Easy Go

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The preposterous market of 2020 created countless legions of degenerate gamblers out of young people. Below is, I think, the poster child for this kind of nonsense (although, unlike many of his peers, he at least didn’t plunge into personal debt to finance his “trading”). He went from $2,000 to $230,000 and down to $0. His final desperate “investment” was short-dated calls on Palantir (of course) which wound up worthless.


The Year the World Fell Down the Rabbit Hole

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I would like to personally thank Tim for the privilege of posting at SoH for another year. It has been an honor to occasionally write for you folks and be associated with this first class website. Happy new year. –Gary

Conspiracies and bias hurt investors

It’s no wonder so many people have been unable to attain proper market positioning in 2020. You invest with your heart, soul, fears or even sometimes your intellect and you risk blowing yourself up at worst, or missing out at best. For much of 2020 Twitter has been a forum for ‘influencers’ with tens of thousands of followers spewing dogma and influencing their herds alright. I watched it happen all year, in the Twitter machine and at other venues.

You know the perma-bearish or ‘got gold?’ types, issuing dire warnings and authoritative discussion of just how bad off the world is (well, it ain’t good, I grant them that). But it’s the practical reaction or lack thereof, not the news itself that matters.
