Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Some Little Guys

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Irony of ironies, even though I’ve hardly messed with crypto at all, my crypto calls haven’t been at all bad. I first pointed out Bitcoin as a beautiful saucer pattern when it was only $1,000, and more recently, in March 2019, I did a post called Crypto-Bull in which I said, ” as a chartist, I’ve got to say that it looks like a rally is getting ready.“.

In fairness, my typically strident self also said, ” I think the days of $20,000 bitcoin will never been see again”, which quite plainly is not the case, but I did point out BTC, LTC, and ETH as good buys, all of which have done very well.

For what it’s worth, my wild guess at this point is that cryptos have – – for the time being – – peaked. Bitcoin’s ride has been absolutely explosive, and Ethereum’s “tag” of the $1,000 mark is symbolic more than anything else. I am thinking more and more about digital currencies – – particularly central bank issued ones – – these days. But the absolutely zaniness over the past couple of months, I do think, will take a breather.

In the meanwhile, I went through 200 crypto charts for you and plucked out some interesting smaller ones. Yeah, I know, I need a life. Still, I never stop working for you people.


Sweet Sixteen

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There is a terrifically cool dude by the name of Barry Goss who, upon reading my post about psychedelics and spiritual healers, sent me the following. I found it hilarious (and spot-on), so Barry kindly gave me permission to share it:


1: To ‘hold space’ for someone = To sit and stare at someone with emotional issues for an uncomfortable amount of time, then pat yourself on the back for basically doing nothing while your homie has a breakdown.

2: I’m in transition = I’m unemployed and totally fucking lost, so I have created an identity out of being an opportunist. Maybe you have some work for me or food? Or a trade? I do crystal readings!
