Man Boobs in Cuffs

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I realize the CPI is all that matters, but until it’s out and the market has had some time to digest it (or vomit it, depending on what side you’re on) there’s no point in saying anything. So I’ll simply offer a brief celebration that SBF is under arrest.

You see, what bugged me about this whole thing is how almost every single person said the same damned thing, which was in essence: “He donated tens of millions to the politicians, so he’ll never be prosecuted. He’s going to get off scot-free.‘ See, people love to say this kind of thing. It makes them sound sophisticated and worldly, and they just shake their heads at anyone who doesn’t agree with them as being naïve. It’s sort of why people get into conspiracy theories. It feels esoteric and so above-it-all.

I said the whole time this guy’s ass was toast. Now, of course, the cynics are going to say “yeah, well, the arrest is just for show; he’s never actually going to face jail time.” And, when he is thrown in prison, these loonies will just fall silent. Holmes’ cute ass is going to head to prison, just like this guy’s. He. Is. Done.

Oh, and as a reminder, crypto is a stupid idea and ultimately going to be wiped out. Just sayin’.