Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Stupidity Unwound

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Look, honestly, I know I am not the brightest bulb in the hardware store, but this is my perception of recent events:

  1. When Trump was elected, in spite of the initial “holy shit!” reaction of limit-down markets, people assumed his willingness to rape the environment and let corporations run amok would be really good for equities, so they bid them into the stratosphere.
  2. A key component – – indeed probably the most important component – – of his bluster was that he was going to “repeal and replace” ObamaCare. I frankly think there is NO solution to the health care mess in the U.S., but that’s not the point of this post.
  3. Even with BOTH houses of Congress in his party, he completely failed to pass his first major legislative initiative. Make no mistake, this should be perceived as a totally pathetic embarrassment which presages his utter failure as “President”
  4. This algo-driven market, since it’s completely retarded and devoid of thought, actually RALLIED on the news.
  5. Now that we’ve had the weekend to let reality sink in just a little bit, maybe the stupid algos are realizing what dumbfucks they were on Friday and are dumping the ES, as God intended.


Trump PEAKED with his silly little speech to Congress in February when the mass media desperately tried to pretend that, gee whiz, maybe he’s not psychotic. It’s all downhill from here folks.

Oh, and if you think I’m against the guy, I’m not. I support him fully. He’s just what I’ve been waiting for to push the globe into unchecked financial pandemonium. So I’m a fan! Go get ’em, ya orange freak.

3 Trillion Dollars Now at Risk…and More

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Three Trillion dollars gained in the U.S. markets since the Presidential election in November 2016 are now at risk…and more.

With the recent failings of two attempts by the President to implement temporary travel restrictions from several foreign countries via his executive orders, and the failure of Republicans to reach a consensus on passing a bill that would have repealed and replaced ObamaCare, one has to wonder whether Republicans can, in fact, ever reach agreement on any of President Trump’s economic, fiscal, national security, tax and regulation reform, and immigration reform agenda.
