Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

A Siri With a Fringe on the Top

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Most of you know that Siri is Apple’s voice-recognition system. Those of you who use it regularly probably also know that it sucks whale. I have frequent need to send lengthy text messages, and Siri invariably mangles the words. Indeed, something tells me that an evil engineer is at work, because it will particularly screw up pronouns, including those that sound nothing alike. For example, “he” becomes “you”, which, as you guess, completely and utterly changes the content of just about any sentence imaginable.

For example, if I text my wife regarding one of our children, “He should really stop screwing around and do the work required”, and Siri changes “He” to “You” (which it has done dozens of times), then Siri has not only ruined my message but has also gotten me in serious trouble with the spouse. So I’m sick of it.


What is the Outlier Scenario for Gold?

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What is the very big picture of spot Gold telling us, if anything? That there is a very bullish outlier scenario that could be unfolding…

We can make the case that all of the action from 2013 through mid-April 2017 is a base-accumulation formation that concluded the major corrective period from the September 2011 high at $1921.50 into the December 2015 low at $1046.20.
