Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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An Ideological Path To A Liquidity Crisis In U.S. Markets

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Look out, corporate and middle America!

There’s a new economic and capitalism threat occupying your (Congressional) House…namely, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has been busy sucking all the oxygen out of Democrats’ House with the unveiling of her socialism-on-steroids “Green New Deal” this past week. As 2020 Democrats jump on board with her plan, Democratic House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi sarcastically referred to it as the “Green Dream.”

If you want to create a liquidity crisis in U.S. equity markets, then go ahead…adopt and enact the ideological measures put forth in that deal/bill. If you want to create an economic crisis, in America, as well as the rest of the world, then go ahead…adopt and enact the ideological measures put forth in that deal/bill. Foreign and domestic investment in the U.S. will disappear. (more…)