Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Razor’s Edge

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First off, a big thank-you to those of you who have jumped into SlopeRules. There are twenty publicly-available rulesets now, and I encourage all of you to keep adding. One chap wrote me today and said that, even in this “baby steps” version, we’ve already outpaced thinkorswim with their scripting software. I’m delighted Slopers have embraced this new feature on the site. MUCH more to come (IF you keep using it and publishing).

The market is, of course, on the edge of its seat with respect to the potential China/US trade deal. Powell has made clear by his shameless behavior he has absolutely no spine and will do anything Trump says. Powell has no morals, no ethics, and no scruples. He’s also an unabashed liar. So that’s been driving the market higher. Equities love a fraud.



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I’m a libertarian at heart, and as such, I believe that, with few exceptions, pretty much the worst entity to handle any task is a government body. Therefore, over a decade ago, when Californians were sold a pipe dream about a high-speed rail (HSR) that would whisk them from San Francisco to Disneyland in just 2.5 hours, I rolled my eyes.

I didn’t keep my eye-rolling private. Five years ago, in this post, I mentioned the HSR project:


Financial Fliers

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Another day, another screen full of green.

One by one, the “overhangs” to the market are disappearing. The last one, and by far the largest, is the China/US deal. All signals seem optimistic on that front, and no doubt there will be SOME kind of agreement put together in the weeks ahead.

One thing of aid to the bulls recently is that the financial sector burst out of a range it has been in for much of the year. This clears the way for a continued assault toward the highs last seen on December 3rd.
