We have just added another indicator to SlopeRules, and it is one that’s been very much in demand from Slopers: the MACD. This is used like the other indicators, and here’s a little .gif file I put together to show how to access it:
Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Important Improvements
I receive good suggestions and ideas from Slopers every day. Most of the time, they are ideas we’ve already logged, but other times I get tasks that wouldn’t have occurred to me. For example, it turned out that preloaded watchlists (which you can access by clicking the Watch Lists hyperlink, as shown below) weren’t permitting SlopeRules to be applied.
Manage Your Psych Profile
Note: This is not market analysis. This is a person writing words and inserting some funny pictures. It is a product of said person’s view of psychology and the modern market.
First off, my honest self-evaluation: I would be pleased to see the US stock market to go down again, not because I am positioned for it (I am not, yet, other than through fairly non-dramatic risk management like portfolio balancing, profit taking and keeping high cash levels as appropriate) but because I feel like the bull was cooked up by an evil man named Ben Bernanke.
When I write “the bull” I am not talking about the post-Christmas Eve rally. That had to happen and at the time I was buying the spiking fear and panic. I am talking about the post-2008 bull market.
Regarding Bernanke, evil is probably too strong a word but I consider the effects of his policy to have been purely evil, exponentially enriching the already rich and driving the middle class to the verge of… electing an American TV character who says the right things to those who want, no need to hear those right things after the Bernanke years of abuse (ironically, with the distribution to the rich taking place under a president thought of as a socialist redistributor… only in America). (more…)