Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

High China Exposure

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Relations between the United States and China have worsened over the last few years. The trade tariffs, the novel coronavirus, the Hong Kong security law, the closure of consulates, and China’s expansionist mindset have all contributed to the downturn in the US-China relations. The growing anti-US sentiment in the world’s most populous country could hurt American businesses that have a strong presence in China. Here we take a look at the top 10 US companies with the highest revenue exposure to China.

Contrary to the popular perception, Apple generates only about 17% of its revenue from China. Boeing, Caterpillar, General Motors, Starbucks, Nike, and Ford are some other US companies with a strong presence in the country. But none of them get more than 25% of their revenue from China.


Amazon Puts Tesla on Notice

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Amazon just put Tesla on notice. Last month, Amazon announced a surprising new blockbuster acquisition: It’s buying Zoox – a self-driving car startup – for $1.2 billion.

Amazon’s surprising move got the full attention of Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Immediately after the deal, he jokingly called Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos a “copycat.”

Amazon acquired Zoox for its crown jewel: its top-shelf computer vision technologyComputer vision is one of today’s biggest moneymaking opportunities.

In short, cutting-edge computers can now “see” and process visual information better than a human can. This is a game-changing foundational technology in the same way the PC, smartphone, and internet were foundational technologies.


Possible H&S Forming Here

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SPX didn’t quite reach the 3290 bull scenario target area that I was talking about last week but made a respectable 3280 or so before rejecting back into a retest of the established support and possible H&S neckline in the 3200 area. The SPX hourly RSI 14 sell signal reached the possible near miss target and an RSI 5 buy signal has now fixed.

Interestingly the high last week established a possible new rising wedge resistance trendline from the March lows, which is a development that I’m watching with interest, as the retracement since has broken rising wedge support and has put SPX into a possible topping process.


Pharma Dharma

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Yesterday, the New York Times business section had an interesting story about how bio-pharm executives were dumping hundreds of millions of dollars of stock thanks to some well-worded press releases about Covid and “project Warp Speed” (eye roll). I decided to thumb through the SlopeCharts sector germane to this topic and pluck out nine charts I found interesting. Nothing fancy just…………interesting. Here they are.

slopechart BCLI